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Auditions Are Currently Closed until new movie script has been written

(NEW MOVIE SCRIPT - READ EVERYTHING BELOW - TAKE EVERYTHING BELOW SERIOUS!!!)  Owen Hisle of Hisle Films is back after being on a long 3 year hiatus and I want to do something different this time with my 4th movie.  I am looking for a Christian Writer who knows how to write movie scripts with a minimum of 5 years verifiable experience (film format only - no tv format - pro, amateur, hobbyist, film-student, working person, retiree, Military, VA veteran or stay-at-home-moms welcomed) which can be turned into a 30 minute short movie which will go through Film Freeways film festival circuit.  You will get 100% full writer's credit which will be great for your resume as well as any film festival award vector wreathes which are great to post on your websites, social media sites, bragging rights and heck, you can even post it as a magnet on your refrigerator if you like lol lol lol 

I'm a broke struggling Filmmaker just like you're a broke struggling Writer so there won't be any monetary pay for this project - I'm building my resume just like you are - I'm looking for that first time big break just like you are - I'm looking for investors just like you are

The type of script I'm looking for - Think of the secular movie and sort of like 'The Spitfire Grill' but as a Christian movie script (click link here > The Spitfire Grill < to watch full movie for free on Tubi to give you an idea of what Owen Hisle of Hisle Films is looking for).  Not looking for the script to be the same exact storyline as The Spitfire Grill.  Don't read into this - Don't over think it

Although Owen Hisle of Hisle Films does not bow down to nor is under the authority of any politically correct worldly woke system, is only under the authority of God's Word and I only "identify as Christian and my pronoun is Jesus", I still love, pray for and respect my woke friends. 
So when sending in your script, be sure there is nothing D.E.I., or "Woke" in the movie script and do not add anything that says "Reach Out" because Owen Hisle of Hisle Films doesn't "Reach Out" (I'll holler for you, I'll phone you, I'll text you, I'll email you, I'll Messenger you, heck I'll even send you a Carrier Pigeon but, I Do Not "Reach Out" lol lol lol).  If your script includes anything D.E.I., woke or "reach out", your script will be denied
The Bible has many passages that relate to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI):
  • Creation
  • God created a diverse world with people from every nation, tribe, and tongue, and all have equal value and dignity

  • Jesus' teaching

  • Christ's redemption is offered to all people, regardless of social or cultural background 

  • Romans 10:13

    "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" 

  • Galatians 3:23-29

    "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus" 

  • Revelation 7:9

    "After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb"

  • The Bible's concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion can help guide individuals and organizations in creating more inclusive and equitable settings


Although Owen Hisle of Hisle Films is located in Beautiful Colorful Colorado and I film most of my movies here, and in Cheyenne Wyoming on my daughter & son-in-laws ranch, I would prefer the Christian Writer also be residing in Colorado or Cheyenne Wyoming so the Christian Writer can visit the film locations to see their script come to life and can be part of Film Festival Award Ceremonies here in CO & WY but not required (it's ok if the Christian Writer lives elsewhere other then CO or WY)

DO NOT DM, MESSENGER OR TEXT ME - FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS.  Please email attach your 30 page / 30 minute Christian Movie Script and NDA (if you'd like me to sign one - of course you'll sign an NDA for me), to in .PDF format only (all other file extensions .Word, .RTF, .Excel, etc. will be denied).  In the Subject Line of your email, type - 30 Min / 30 Pg Christian Movie Script.  In the Body of your email introduce yourself, share your story about you, about your walk with Jesus and about your script (don't forget the Synopsis).  We'll discuss more details from whichever movie script gets chosen

Click Desired Poster Below To Watch Movie
Broken Clay Poster Updated LR 2017 Award.jpg
Wyntor Poster LR WithAwards.jpg

WGAWest registration process places preventative measures against plagiarism or unauthorized use of an author's material.  While someone else may have the same idea in his or her material, the evidence lies in the author's presentation of their work.  Registering one's work does not disallow others from having a similar idea.  Rather, registering one's work with WGAWest would potentially discourage others from using someone else’s work without permission.  Though the Registry cannot prevent plagiarism, it can produce the registered material as well as confirm the date of registration.  Registering one's work creates legal evidence for the material that establishes a date for the material's existence.  The WGAWest Registry, as a neutral third party, can testify for that evidence.  Registering one's work with the WGAWest Registry creates valid legal evidence that can be used in court.  Owen Hisle of HISLE FILMS movies are geared around and made to deliver the message of the true Gospel of Jesus {the one and only true God} using God’s Sword {His Word – The Bible}; not using a feather duster sermon that Christians of today, Christian churches of today and Christian filmmakers of today use which are weak and watered down to please a corrupt and immoral politically correct worldly woke system.  I Owen Hisle {Founder, President, CEO of HISLE FILMS} Does Not conform or bow down to a politically correct worldly woke system – Does Not need to tell anyone I’m the boss just so they know I’m the boss because I already know I’m the boss – Does Not reach-out {I will email you, I will phone you or I will text you, heck I’ll even send you a carrier pigeon but} I do not reach-out.  At Every HISLE FILMS Movie Location & On Every Movie Set no one will be recognized or identified as he, she, they, male, female, gay, lesbian, trans and so on – Everyone will only be recognized or identified as Cast or Crew


​​Creators: Don’t give up your rights.  When you create and share content online, many platforms force you to forfeit ownership and control of your content.  Don’t sacrifice your creative rights. Demand that platforms respect you and your intellectual property.  Protect and honor your rights as a creator. You retain full ownership and control of your content.  You own your content.  You have the right to move and take down your content.  You have the right to control who can see your content.  Your content cannot be used without your explicit consent.  You have the right to control if and how your content is monetized

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