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My wife, Thesa, and I met on a Christian dating site back in May 2011. We have been married since October 2012. Thesa permanently relocated from the Philippines in 2012 to be my wife in Colorado. From 2012 to 2023 we really didn't travel that much in Colorado, or the USA as Thesa had hoped which is what she looked forward to considering she had never been to the USA, and she heard so many wonderful things about the USA; not to mention living in beautiful colorful Colorado. The biggest reason we didn't was because of me being selfish and prideful. Every time Thesa wanted to travel or do something for her birthday or our wedding anniversary, I always came up with some excuse
I got too wrapped-up and ingulfed with myself, I put myself before Thesa, I put myself before Thesa's birthdays, I put myself before many of our wedding anniversaries, I put myself before Jesus, I also found myself moving further and further away from my relationship with Jesus and moving closer and closer to a very dark place of sin. I allowed my pride and selfishness to ruin and destroy our marriage (so I thought) and my relationship with Jesus (so I thought)
After 11 years of Thesa being selfless, alone, empty inside and always giving and giving but never getting in return from me, she finally had enough, and we separated in August 2023 with the intentions of getting divorced. From August 2023 to present 2024 while I was alone in my room (without Thesa) that I was renting from my landlord, Jesus used that time to really speak to my heart and man did He. Little by little as Jesus was working on my heart and I was working on my relationship with Jesus, I chose to build my relationship back up with Jesus and Thesa. Few things I needed to do was, bow the knee of my heart, bring a heart of confession, remorse and ask for forgiveness from Jesus. Then I did the same with Thesa
Here's how God also intervened which was nothing short of a true miracle. Thesa hired a divorce attorney who came highly recommended. Paid him a large retainer fee up front. Paid the court their court fee up front as well. During the 6 months (which was only supposed to take 90 days) the attorney was filling-out and filing all our court documents to the court, document after document kept coming back rejected by the court. We couldn't understand how a highly recommended divorce attorney was having so so many documents rejected by the court. After 6 long months of going back and forth with document after document being rejected, the attorney finally had to file a motion to the court to remove himself as our divorce attorney. He even gave Thesa back the entire retainer fee and court fee. After all was said and done and a few weeks had passed by, both Thesa and I were praying to God independently not knowing we were both praying the same thing - "Jesus, how was it possible that our divorce wouldn't go through?" - Jesus answered both of us independently again, both of us not knowing we were receiving the same answer from Jesus "I stopped your divorce from going through". One Saturday, Thesa and I got together and shared with each other what was typed above. We couldn't believe that both of us were praying / asking Jesus the same thing and both receiving the same answer. We were blown away. From that moment on, Thesa and I moved forward with no longer having the desire to divorce. We were getting together on weekends and actually liking the new us that was developing right before our very eyes. We even attended a Family Life Weekend To Remember Marriage Seminar which brought us even closer. God really showed up
Thesa and I never thought in a million years that our marriage was salvageable or even restorable. Our marriage was so horribly broken that many were telling us to just give up on each other. For a short moment I even thought that both Thesa and I agreed with them however, Thesa and I would always sense the Holy Spirit speaking to our hearts "this storm that was sent to break you, is going to be the storm that God will use to make you". I'm so thankful and blessed that both Thesa and I chose to stick it out and keep trusting in Jesus
Thesa and I are living proof that we truly did go from onemess to oneness because 'we-still-do' all because of our great I AM
Our marriage struggles were far from over. Some time after God showing up (as mentioned above), the enemy also showed-up and Thesa and I found ourselves fighting against each other again however, neither one of us would let the enemy win. We continued moving forward in Christ to save and restore our marriage with Jesus by our side. Thesa and I still have a long way to go with restoring our marriage and Thesa learning to want to trust me again however, we have a loving Heavenly Father who is greater then any struggle. In Jesus, we'll slow dance through all of it
(John 16:33 - "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”)
To be continued.......
Remember Christian husbands / men, if we don't keep ourselves busy with Jesus, the enemy will keep us busy
Husbands: if you're going through a horrible season where you think you're all alone, no one else is going through what you are, you think Jesus won't forgive you, you think you're wife won't ever take you back and it just seems like there's no future hope for your marriage, be of good courage. I and many many other Christian husbands have gone through and still are going through what you are currently going through. If both you and your wife believe there's something in your marriage worth saving no matter how badly shattered your marriage is and you both want to restore your marriage then, you have to want to start somewhere
* Start here
* Email me directly at
* No details need to be provided
* 100% confidential and anonymous
* Let's just talk - Just two broken brothers in Christ sharing
I'm Owen
Psalm 31:24
Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord
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