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Auditions Are Still Currently Closed Until New Movie Script Is Complete


Owen Hisle of Hisle Films is back after being on a long 3 year hiatus and I wanted to do something different this time with my 4th movie.  God opened just the right door by sending just the right Award Winning Christian Writer who knows how to write great movie scripts
No other information will be given at this time because this new and amazing script is just that - new, amazing and it's great
The Writer (and myself) will be spending the next few months brainstorming and polishing up this new script
Once this new script has been completely polished, with both Copyright & WGAW attached and Synopsis is in place then, the writers name and all other exciting information about this script will be provided at this page.  Estimated ETA is projected to be March 2025

Tentatively March 2025 thru July 2025 Hisle Films will raise funds, seek film locations, acquire all necessary permits where their needed, have catering in place, audition actors, interview crew, make room for misc and be aware of Murphy's Law

Our projected hope is to film this movie right around the 2nd week of August 2025

Continue to check back here often for more updates and scroll down to follow us on Facebook, Lordsbook and Tiktok


Disclaimer: Although Owen Hisle of Hisle Films does not bow down to nor is under the authority of any politically correct worldly woke system, is only under the authority of God's Word and I only "identify as Christian and my pronoun is Jesus", I still love, pray for and respect my woke friends.  However, although Hisle Films will be auditioning and interviewing Christian locations, Christian cast and Christian crew, everyone is encouraged to submit once submissions open up.  All movie scripts Owen Hisle of Hisle Films produces and directs, there will never be anything D.E.I., or "Woke" in the movie script and there will never be anything that says "Reach Out" because Owen Hisle of Hisle Films doesn't "Reach Out" (I'll holler for you, I'll phone you, I'll text you, I'll email you, I'll Messenger you, heck I'll even send you a Carrier Pigeon but, I Do Not "Reach Out")
Click Desired Poster Below To Watch Movie
Broken Clay Poster Updated LR 2017 Award.jpg
Wyntor Poster LR WithAwards.jpg

WGAWest registration process places preventative measures against plagiarism or unauthorized use of an author's material.  While someone else may have the same idea in his or her material, the evidence lies in the author's presentation of their work.  Registering one's work does not disallow others from having a similar idea.  Rather, registering one's work with WGAWest would potentially discourage others from using someone else’s work without permission.  Though the Registry cannot prevent plagiarism, it can produce the registered material as well as confirm the date of registration.  Registering one's work creates legal evidence for the material that establishes a date for the material's existence.  The WGAWest Registry, as a neutral third party, can testify for that evidence.  Registering one's work with the WGAWest Registry creates valid legal evidence that can be used in court.  Owen Hisle of HISLE FILMS movies are geared around and made to deliver the message of the true Gospel of Jesus {the one and only true God} using God’s Sword {His Word – The Bible}; not using a feather duster sermon that Christians of today, Christian churches of today and Christian filmmakers of today use which are weak and watered down to please a corrupt and immoral politically correct worldly woke system.  I Owen Hisle {Founder, President, CEO of HISLE FILMS} Does Not conform or bow down to a politically correct worldly woke system – Does Not need to tell anyone I’m the boss just so they know I’m the boss because I already know I’m the boss – Does Not reach-out {I will email you, I will phone you or I will text you, heck I’ll even send you a carrier pigeon but} I do not reach-out.  At Every HISLE FILMS Movie Location & On Every Movie Set no one will be recognized or identified as he, she, they, male, female, gay, lesbian, trans and so on – Everyone will only be recognized or identified as Cast or Crew


​​Creators: Don’t give up your rights.  When you create and share content online, many platforms force you to forfeit ownership and control of your content.  Don’t sacrifice your creative rights. Demand that platforms respect you and your intellectual property.  Protect and honor your rights as a creator. You retain full ownership and control of your content.  You own your content.  You have the right to move and take down your content.  You have the right to control who can see your content.  Your content cannot be used without your explicit consent.  You have the right to control if and how your content is monetized

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